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主讲课程: 环境毒理学、环境化学、环境科学与工程专业英语、现代环境研究法、环境毒理与健康风险




2007.09-2011.06   中山大学环境科学与工程学院,理学学士

2011.09-2016.12   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学检验医学与病理学学院,哲学博士

2017.01-2019.08   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学检验医学与病理学学院,博士后

2017.05-2020.02   西南大学化学化工学院,博士后

2019.08-至今      西南大学bta365,教授





DynaLIFEDX Graduate Research Prize,2016



紫色土中砷-生物炭相互作用对砷生物毒性的影响, 重庆市英才计划项目,2022.05-2024.04,主持

砷甲基化代谢诱发妊娠期糖尿病的前瞻性队列研究, 重庆市留创计划创新类项目,2021.01-2022.12,主持




1. Synergistic Mitochondrial Genotoxicity of Carbon Dots and Arsenate in Earthworms Eisenia fetida across Generations: The Critical Role of Binding, Deng YH, Jiang M, Wang W, Ren KW, Luo X, Luo Y, Chen Q, Lu CS, Huang CZ, Liu QQ*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(38), 16750-16761

2. Interactions between nanobiochar and arsenic: Effects of biochar aging methods on arsenic binding capacity and mechanisms. Wang M, Liu QQ*. Environmental Pollution, 363(2024)125105

3. Rapid on-site colorimetric detection of arsenic(V) by NH2-MIL-88(Fe) nanozymes-based ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic and smartphone-assisted sensing platforms. Ren KW, Li YF, Liu QQ*. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1336(2025)343523

4. A State-of-the-Science Review of Using Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number as a Biomarker for Environmental Exposure. Cheng Q, Liu QQ, Lu CS*. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 346, 123642

5. Amine functionalization of iron-based metal-organic frameworks MIL-101 for removal of arsenic species: Enhanced adsorption and mechanisms. Fang ZZ, Li YF, Huang CZ, Liu QQ*. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(2023)110155

6. Association between Arsenic Methylation in Early Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective Cohort Study. Jiang M, Ma XJ, Zheng Y, Yang ZM, Guo JJ, Huang CZ, Liu QQ*. Environment & Health, 2023, 1, 343-351

7. Plasmonic scattering imaging of single Cu2-xSe nanoparticle for Hg2+ detectionZou HY, Gong LJ, Xu Y, Ni HH, Jiang YJ, Li YF, Huang CZ,* Liu QQ*. Talanta, 2023, 261, 124663

8. Assessing Dietary Pesticide Intake and Potential Health Effects: The Application of Global Metabolomics Analysis, Cheng Q, Liu QQ, Li KY, Chang CH, Lu CS*. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 13, 4086-4091

9. Arsenolipids in raw and cooked seafood products in southwest ChinaA non-targeted analysis, Liu QQ,* Minjun Wu, Min Jiang, Chemosphere, 2022,307,135769

10. Discovery and Identification of Arsenolipids Using a Precursor- Finder Strategy and Data-Independent Mass Spectrometry. Liu QQ,* Huang CZ, Li WH, Fang ZZ, and Le XC*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55,3836-3844

11. An ultrathin 2D Yb(III) metal-organic frameworks with strong electrochemiluminescence as a “on-off-on” platform for detection of picric acid and berberine chloride form, Wang XY, Xiao SY, Jiang ZW, Zhen SJ, Huang CZ, Liu QQ,* Li YF*. Talanta, 2021, 234, 122625.

12. Arsenic species in electronic cigarettes: Determination and potential health risk. Liu QQ, Huang CZ, Le XC*. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,91,168-176 (Cover article)

13. Metabolism of a phenylarsenical in human hepatic cells and identification of a new arsenic metabolite. Liu QQ, Leslie EM, Moe B, Zhang H, Douglas D, Kneteman N, Le XC*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018,52,1386-1392

14. Speciation of arsenic–a review of phenylarsenicals and related arsenic metabolites. Liu QQ, Lu XF, Peng HY, Tao J, Uppal J, Yan X, Boe D, Popowich A, Le XC*. TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018,104,171-182

15. Arsenic Species in Chicken Breast: Temporal variations of metabolites, elimination kinetics, and residual concentrations. Liu QQ, Peng HY, Lu XF, Zuidhof MJ, Li X-F, Le XC*. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016,124,1174-1181

16. Accumulation and transport of Roxarsone, arsenobetaine, and inorganic arsenic using the human immortalized Caco-2 cell line. Liu QQ, Leslie EM, Le XC*. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016,64,8902-8908

17. Enzyme-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for the determination of arsenic species in chicken meat. Liu QQ, Peng HY, Lu XF, Le XC*. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015,888,1-9 (Cover article)

18.Genotoxic effects of microcystins mediated by nitric oxide and mitochondria. Liu QQ, Le XC*. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015,31,206-208

19. 国家发明专利,数据处理的方法及装置,CN201810346349.92018








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