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主讲课程: 环境毒理学、环境化学、环境科学与工程专业英语、现代环境研究法、环境毒理与健康风险




2007.09-2011.06   中山大学环境科学与工程学院,理学学士

2011.09-2016.12   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学检验医学与病理学学院,哲学博士

2017.01-2019.08   加拿大阿尔伯塔大学检验医学与病理学学院,博士后

2017.05-2020.02   西南大学化学化工学院,博士后

2019.08-至今      西南大学bta365,教授





DynaLIFEDX Graduate Research Prize,2016

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) Graduate Travel Awards,2016

Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) Academic Travel Award,2016

The 98th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition


Bell McLeod Educational Fund Travel Award,2015

The 97th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition最佳会议报告,2014


Bell McLeod Educational Fund Travel Award,2013



紫色土中砷-生物炭相互作用对砷生物毒性的影响, 重庆市英才计划项目,2022.05-2024.04,主持

砷甲基化代谢诱发妊娠期糖尿病的前瞻性队列研究, 重庆市留创计划创新类项目,2021.01-2022.12,主持




  1. Synergistic Mitochondrial Genotoxicity of Carbon Dots and Arsenate in Earthworms Eisenia fetida across Generations: The Critical Role of Binding, Deng YH, Jiang M, Wang W, Ren KW, Luo X, Luo Y, Chen Q, Lu CS, Huang CZ, Liu QQ*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024,

  2. A State-of-the-Science Review of Using Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number as a Biomarker for Environmental Exposure. Cheng Q, Liu QQ, Lu CS*. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 346, 123642

  3. Plasmonic scattering imaging of single Cu2-xSe nanoparticle for Hg2+ detectionZou HY, Gong LJ, Xu Y, Ni HH, Jiang YJ, Li YF, Huang CZ,* Liu QQ*. Talanta, 2023, 261, 124663

  4. Assessing Dietary Pesticide Intake and Potential Health Effects: The Application of Global Metabolomics Analysis, Cheng Q, Liu QQ, Li KY, Chang CH, Lu CS*. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 13, 4086-4091

  5. Arsenolipids in raw and cooked seafood products in southwest ChinaA non-targeted analysis, Liu QQ,* Minjun Wu, Min Jiang, Chemosphere, 2022,307,135769

  6. Discovery and Identification of Arsenolipids Using a Precursor- Finder Strategy and Data-Independent Mass Spectrometry. Liu QQ,* Huang CZ, Li WH, Fang ZZ, and Le XC*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55,3836-3844

  7. An ultrathin 2D Yb(III) metal-organic frameworks with strong electrochemiluminescence as a “on-off-on” platform for detection of picric acid and berberine chloride form, Wang XY, Xiao SY, Jiang ZW, Zhen SJ, Huang CZ, Liu QQ,* Li YF*. Talanta, 2021, 234, 122625.

  8. Arsenic species in electronic cigarettes: Determination and potential health risk. Liu QQ, Huang CZ, Le XC*. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,91,168-176 (Cover article)

  9. Metabolism of a phenylarsenical in human hepatic cells and identification of a new arsenic metabolite. Liu QQ, Leslie EM, Moe B, Zhang H, Douglas D, Kneteman N, Le XC*. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018,52,1386-1392

  10. Speciation of arsenic–a review of phenylarsenicals and related arsenic metabolites. Liu QQ, Lu XF, Peng HY, Tao J, Uppal J, Yan X, Boe D, Popowich A, Le XC*. TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018,104,171-182

  11. Arsenic Species in Chicken Breast: Temporal variations of metabolites, elimination kinetics, and residual concentrations. Liu QQ, Peng HY, Lu XF, Zuidhof MJ, Li X-F, Le XC*. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016,124,1174-1181

  12. Accumulation and transport of Roxarsone, arsenobetaine, and inorganic arsenic using the human immortalized Caco-2 cell line. Liu QQ, Leslie EM, Le XC*. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016,64,8902-8908

  13. Enzyme-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for the determination of arsenic species in chicken meat. Liu QQ, Peng HY, Lu XF, Le XC*. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015,888,1-9 (Cover article)

  14. Genotoxic effects of microcystins mediated by nitric oxide and mitochondria. Liu QQ, Le XC*. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015,31,206-208

  15. 国家发明专利,数据处理的方法及装置,CN201810346349.92018








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