Geoderma、Environmental Chemistry Letters、Environmental Sciences Europe等杂志审稿人
1、日温度波动和菲交互作用对线蚓(Enchytraeus albidus)的影响机制,国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,42307036,2024-2026,主持,在研;
(1)肖乃川,由乐林,刘家文,代文才*,张婷婷,高明. 菲在土壤线蚓(Enchytraeus crypticus)体内的毒代动力学[J]. 土壤学报,2025,https://doi.org/10.11766/trxb202409050359.
(2)肖乃川,代文才*,王子芳,由乐林,赵欢,张雅蓉,高明. 高温与疏水性有机化合物对土壤动物的联合作用研究进展[J]. 土壤学报,2024,https://doi.org/10.11766/trxb202404290178.
(3)Dai, W. C.*, Slotsbo, S., Xie, L. Y., Wang, Y., Damgarrd, C., Holmstrup, M. Increased daily temperature fluctuations exacerbate the toxicity of phenanthrene in Enchytraeus albidus (Enchytraeidae). Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 873, 162403.
(4)Dai, W. C.*, Holmstrup, M., Slotsbo, S., Bakker, R., Damgaard, C., van Gestel, C. A.M. Heat stress delays detoxification of phenanthrene in the springtail Folsomia candida. Chemosphere, 2023, 311, 137119.
(5)Dai, W.C.*, Slotsbo, S., Holmstrup, M., van Gestel, C. A.M. Evaluation of life-history traits in Folsomia candida exposed to combined repeated mild heat shocks with phenanthrene. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 55132-55142.
(6)Dai W. C.*, Slotsbo S., van Gestel C.A.M., Holmstrup M. Temperature-dependent toxicokinetics of phenanthrene in Enchytraeus albidus (Oligochaeta). Environment Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 1876-1884.
(7)Dai W. C., Slotsbo S., Holmstrup M.* Thermal optimum for mass production of the live feed organism Enchytraeus albidus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2021, 97, 102865.
(8)Dai W. C., Holmstrup M., Slotsbo S., Ke X., Li Z., Gao M., Wu L.H.* Compartmentation and effects of lead (Pb) in the collembolan, Folsomia candida. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27, 43638-43645.
(9)Dai W. C., Slotsbo S., Damgaard C., Ke X., Wu L.H., Holmstrup M.* Synergistic interaction between effects of phenanthrene and dynamic heat stress cycles in a soil arthropod. Environmental pollution, 2019, 254, 113071.
(10)Dai W. C., Ke X.*, Li Z., Gao M., Wu L.H.*, Chiristie P., Luo Y.M. Antioxidant enzyme activities of Folsomia candida and avoidance of soil metal contamination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 2889-2898.
(11)代文才,高明*,兰木羚,黄容,王金柱,王子芳,韩晓飞. 不同作物秸秆在旱地和水田中的腐解特性及养分释放规律[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2017, 25, 188-199.
(12)代文才,钱盛,高明*,王子芳,吕盛,高莅淞. 施用生物质灰渣对柑橘园土壤团聚体及有机碳分布的影响[J]. 水土保持学报,2016, 30, 260-271.
(13)代文才,高明*,王子芳,黄容,高莅淞. 紫色丘陵区不同土地利用方式土壤剖面微团聚体组成及分形特征[J]. 水土保持学报, 2016, 30, 259-264.
(14)代文才,高明*,王子芳,黄容. 施氮对砖红壤铵态氮淋失的影响[J]. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 40, 162-167.
(15)Xie, J., Chen, Y.X., Huang, R., Dai, W.C., Lu, J., Wang, Z.F., Gao, M. Long-term nitrogen application decreased mineral-associated organic carbon while increasing particulate organic carbon in purple soil in southwest China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2025, 373, 123455.
(16)Xie, Y.Q., Dai, W.C., Xiang, S.J., Deng, H., Wang, Z.F., Li, Y.J., Wang, Z.S., Zhou, M., Gao, M. Supply and demand of ecosystem services and their interaction with urbanization: The case of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. Urban Climate, 2024, 55, 101978.
(17)Xie, J., Huang, R., Wu, D.X., Dai, W.C., Deng, Z.X., Li, Y., Shi, X.J., Zhang, Y.Q., Wang, Z.F., Gao, M. Soil organic matter and amorphous oxides determine the surface electrochemical properties of purple soil under long-term inorganic and organic fertilization. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2024, 24, 5789-5798.
(18)Xie, J., Wang, D., Chen, Y.X., Li, Z.Q., Dai, W.C., Huang, R., Wang, Z.F., Gao, M. Neutral purple soil acidification and mineralogical property changes due to long-term urea application in southwest China. Soil Tillage Research, 2024, 244, 106227.
(19)Holmstrup, M.*, Sørensen, J.G., Dai, W.C., Krogh, P.H., Schmelz, R., Slotsbo, S. Analysis of heat and cold tolerance of a freeze-tolerant soil invertebrate distributed from temperate to Arctic regions: evidence of selection for extreme cold tolerance. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2022, 192, 435-445.
(20)由乐林,张婷婷,代文才,肖乃川,赵欢,张雅蓉,谢军,高明*. 不同氮肥施用量下白符跳(Folsomia candida)对土壤微团聚体的影响[J]. 土壤学报,2024,https://doi.org/10.11766/trxb202404080148.
(21)胡永庆,高明,丁馨茹,代文才,赵欢,张雅蓉,周留艳,郭宇曦,王子芳*. 酒糟灰渣对酸性紫色土细菌群落结构的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2024, https://doi.org/10.13227/j.hjkx.202406234.
(22)丁馨茹,严宁珍*,王子芳,谢永红,黄容,代文才,高明. 几种改良剂对酸性紫色土氮组分及酶活性的影响[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 46, 150-163.
(23)丁馨茹,徐曼,严宁珍,王子芳,李志琦,黄容,王洋,代文才,高明*. 4种改良剂对紫色土Cd生物有效性及土壤酶活性的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2024, 45, 3523-3532.
(24)丁馨茹,严宁珍,王子芳,李志琦,黄容,王洋,代文才,高明*. 4种改良剂对酸性紫色土肥力及活性有机碳组分的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2024, 45, 1655-1664.
(25)肖乃川,王子芳,杨文娜,谢永红,代文才,高明*. 改性酒糟生物炭对紫色土壤镉形态及水稻吸收镉的影响[J]. 环境科学, 2024, 45, 3027-3036.
(26)王芳丽,高明*,代文才,陶睿,吕盛. 不同土地利用方式下土壤有机碳分布特征[J]. 水土保持学报, 2016, 30, 227-232.
(27)黄容,高明*,叶夏伊,汪文强,刘彬彬,代文才. 莴笋-空心菜-莴笋种植模式下不同改良剂对退化土壤中植株养分利用的影响[J]. 草业学报, 2016, 25, 148-157.
(28)黄容,徐芊,高明*,余泺,代文才,叶夏伊. 施用不同氮肥对砖红壤表面电化学性质的影响[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 37, 137-143.
(1)代文才,柯欣,吴龙华,朱冬,李柱. 一种跳虫回避试验装置及其应用,专利号:ZL201611078513.X(中国发明专利授权)
(2)代文才,高明,王子芳,黄容,倪九派. 一种土壤样品制备机,专利号:ZL201410088039.3(中国发明专利授权)
(3)代文才,柯欣,吴龙华,朱冬,李柱. 土壤跳虫回避试验装置,专利号:ZL201621298308.X(中国实用新型专利授权)
(4)代文才,柯欣,吴龙华,朱冬,李柱. 一种从土壤中收集跳虫样品的装置,专利号:ZL201621298307.5(中国实用新型专利授权)
(5)代文才,柯欣,吴龙华,朱冬,李柱. 一种土壤跳虫收集装置及其应用,专利号:ZL201611078512.5(中国发明专利授权)