《Eco-Environment & Health》、《土壤学报》和《三峡生态环境监测》青年编委(2023-至今)
《Water research》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Journal of Environmental Sciences》等期刊审稿人
《土壤学报》优秀青年编委 (2024)
(1) Liu, X. M.#, Tang, Y., Tian, R., Li, R., Ding, W.Q., Chen, W. L. and Li, H., Asymmetric orbital hybridization promotes polarization and covalent interactions between heavy metal cations and charged surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 2024, 656:159689.
(2) Tang, B.R #, Tang, Y., Zhou X., Liu, M.Z., Li, H.* and Qi, J.*, The Inhibition of Microcystin Adsorption by Microplastics in the Presence of Algal Organic Matters, Toxics, 2022, 10: 339
(3) Liu, X M#, Chen, W L, Tang, Y., et al., Asymmetric response of transition-metal cationic orbitals to applied electric field, J Hazard. Mater., 2024
(4) Tang, Y.#,*, Liu, X.M., Tian, R., Li, R. and Li, H., Risk assessment and source identification of arsenic in surface sediments from Caohai Lake, China. B. Environ. Contam. Tox., 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00128 -021-03418-x;
(5) Tang, Y.#, Zhang, M., Zhang, J., Lyu, T., Cooper, M. and Pan, G.*, Reducing arsenic toxicity using the interfacial oxygen nanobubble technology for sediment remediation. Water Res., 2021, 205: 117657;
(6) 唐颖#,刘新敏,刘峰,田锐,李睿,王冲,李振轮,新农科背景下农业环境学课程思政教学探索, 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 46(12): 137~ 143;
(7) Tang, Y.#, Zhang, M.Y.*, Sun, G.X., Pan, G.*, Impact of eutrophication on arsenic cycling in freshwaters, Water Res., 2019, 150:191-199;
(8) Tang, Y.#, Bi, L., Robert, J.G. M., Pan, G.*, Cryogenic circulation for indoor air pollution control. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 651:1451-1456;
(9) Li, Q.#, Yang, S., Tang, Y., Yang, G*., Li, H.*, Asymmetric hybridization orbitals at charged interface initiates new surface reactions: A quantum mechanics exploration. J. Phy. Chem. C, 2019, 123(41): 25278-25285;
(10) Liu, X.#,*, Feng, B., Tian, R., Li, R., Tang, Y., Wu, L., Ding, W., Li, H., Electrical double layer interactions between soil colloidal particles: Polarization of water molecule and counterion. Geoderma, 2020, 380: 114693;
(11) Gao, X.#, Tian, R., Liu, X., Zhu, H., Tang, Y., Xu, C., Ghulam, M., Li, H.*, Specific ion effects of Cu2+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ on montmorillonite aggregation. Appl. Clay Sci., 2019, 179: 1-8.
(12) Tang Y.#, Li H.*, Zhu H., Tian R., Gao X., Impact of electric field on Hofmeister Effects in aggregation of negatively charged colloidal minerals. J. Chem. Sci., 2016, 128(1): 141-151;
(13) Tang Y.#, Li H.*, Liu X., Zhu H., Tian R., Unraveling the size distributions of surface properties for purple soil and yellow soil, J. Environ. Sci., 2015, 32:81-89;
(14) Li Q.#, Tang Y.#, He X., Li H.*, Approach to theoretical estimation of the activation energy of particle aggregation taking ionic nonclassic polarization into account. AIP Adv., 2015, 5: 107218;
(15) Tian R.#, Yang G.*, Tang Y., Liu X., Li R., Zhu H., Li H.*, Origin of Hofmeister Effects for complex systems. PLOS One, 2015, 10(7): e0128602;
(16) Tian R.#, Yang G.*, Li H.*, Gao X., Liu X., Zhu H., Tang Y., Activation Energies of Colloidal Particle Aggregation: Towards a quantitative characterization of specific ion effects, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16: 8828-8836;
(17) 唐颖#,李航*,朱华玲, 田锐, SDBS/Na+的耦合对红壤胶体悬液稳定性的影响, 环境科学, 2014, 35(4): 1540~ 1547;
(18) 唐颖#,蒋先军*,黄耀华, 黄慰情. 2011. 不同施肥和耕作模式下稻田生态系统对田面水中无机态氮的消纳. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 36(6): 1-7.